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We have a team of staff that are responsible for safeguarding.  If you have any concerns about a child, you must contact the school and ask to speak to one of us.

Mrs Harvey
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss Long
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss Maciejewski
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Safeguarding Policy General
Safeguarding Appendix
Role Of Designated Safeguarding Lead
Whistleblowing Policy

E-safety links

NSPCC NetAware provides a useful guide to social networks, apps and guide.

National Online Safety have produced a series of top tips guides to support remote learning for Parents, Children and Teachers.

Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline for different age groups and parents.

Childnet has produced a Parent and Carer Toolkit which is a collection of three resources designed to help you talk to your child about their online life, manage boundaries around family internet use and point you in the direction of where to get further help and support.

Social Media Safety cards

Click on the links below to download the social media safety cards.