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15th November 2024

This week, we have jumped into week 2 with a bang! We have had such a busy week of exploring different equipment to help us with our maths learning. The children have been learning and consolidating their 10s and 2-time tables using a counting stick and cubes, counters and various objects to show grouping and repeated additional sums. 

In history, we began the week learning about Remembrance day and why we do a minute's silence at 11am on the 11th of November each year. We then moved on to beginning to understand why WW1 began. In science, children are researching what different animals need to survive.

In English, we have begun looking at our new text ‘The Tunnel,’ by Anthony Brown and making predictions about what is on the other side of the tunnel. We remember to include capital letters at the start of our sentences and for proper nouns, finger spaces between words and full stops at the end of our sentence. Well done Year 2!