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Year 6 Activity Week

Year 6 had a full week of adventure, with an off-site activity every day

For the whole of this week, Year 6 had an adventure every day.  They worked so hard to prepare for their SATS, it was a well deserved time for fun!

Monday, they were round the corner at Hollywood Bowl at the O2 where they teamed up and downed the pins, with some getting a few strikes.  They had lunch there before returning to school.

Tuesday they were at Thamesmead Boating Lake to take part in a Junior Citizen event.  Here they discussed how to be safe travelling to and from school, what to be aware of and how they can be good citizens.

Wednesday, they were back at the O2 for an afternoon of bouncing on the trampolines at Oxygen Jump Park.

Thursday, they went swinging through the trees at Go Ape in Battersea.  They travelled by public transport to Battersea Power tube station and walked the short distance to Battersea Park.  On the way back they were able to walk into the Power Station and marvel at the architecture and how this monster that powered the area has been turned into a wonderful, modern space.

Friday, they stayed close to home and went to Greenwich Park.  They took a packed lunch and played games, chatted and spent time together as a class.

A fun-filled week.  More pictures here.