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Year 1 Weekly News

Weekly update of activities in Year 1

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  • 24/10/24

    25th October 2024

    Year 1 have been practicing throwing in PE this half term and this week we played a game focusing on our teamwork and developing simple tactics for attacking/ defending. They had so much fun!
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  • 17/10/24

    18th October 2024

    In order to improve our school attendance, for the last 2 years, we have had a 100% Attendance Club.  Every time a class achieves 100% in a week, they are added to the club.  At the end of the academic year, a class is randomly chosen, and taken on a whole class trip.  Reception...
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  • 11/10/24

    11th October 2024

    In Geography, Year 1 are learning the topic 'Our Local Area'. As a class, we used a compass to label the playground with NESW. The children were given simple directional instructions to follow. For example, walk to North, skip to West, side –step to East, walk like a robot to...
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  • 04/10/24

    4th October 2024

    In Science, year 1 have been learning about everyday materials. They sat in a circle and spoke about different objects and their properties. The children were then provided with a range of objects on each table.  They were given time to explore the properties by looking at and touching the...
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  • 27/09/24

    27th September 2024

    In English, Year 1 have been reading 'Wild' by Emily Hughes. We went into forest school to collect leaves for her hair. The children absolutely loved creating their own wild character and writing about her different features.
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  • 20/09/24

    20th September 2024

    In Maths, this week Year 1 have been looking at counting back from 10. In our lesson the children made rockets, and were told a random number between 1- 10 and they then counted down and when they get to 0 they had to say ‘blast off’.
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  • 13/09/24

    13th September 2024

    This week, Year 1 started their new Maths topic 'Place Value' and they have had lots of fun sorting a range of objects into different groups.  They have been able to reinforce the concept of sorting during our daily activities such as lining up.
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